Among other things, Bluetooth Low Energy has revolutionized how devices are connected between consumers and commercial and industrial applications. The manufacturing industry, in particular, benefits from Bluetooth Low Energy technology as part of an asset tracking system.
A manufacturing facility normally operates in both indoor and outdoor areas, which makes it necessary to track how objects move from one place to another during the course of operation.
This is where Bluetooth Low Energy comes in handy. By connecting asset monitoring devices indoors and outdoors using Bluetooth, manufacturing organizations will be able to monitor asset location continuously, balancing battery life, accuracy, and cost. The following are three ways in which Bluetooth can help manufacturing.
Asset Visibility
The ability to track Work In Process assets is a significant use case for Bluetooth Low Energy in manufacturing. Thus, operational efficiencies within the supply chain are improved, which is beneficial. Managers can use asset tracking devices that are Bluetooth Low Energy capable to identify bottlenecks in their production pipeline and ensure items are delivered on time to the next step in the manufacturing process.
Platforms based on Bluetooth Low Energy can deliver real-time reports via a user interface displaying information about where products are in production and transit so that bottlenecks can be identified. Users can improve efficiency in those areas by knowing where the bottlenecks are.
As a result, less time and money are spent on production and more finished goods are produced.
Aside from Work In Process, Bluetooth Low Energy devices can track company-owned equipment. There may be instances when equipment is left in an area where it is no longer needed, both inside and outside of a manufacturing facility. A tracking system for assets can help companies reduce the time they spend looking for equipment since asset tags can pinpoint the location of equipment quickly and accurately.
Capabilities of a Wide Range
Bluetooth Low Energy can also provide advantages in terms of range. The functionality of Bluetooth Low Energy is unrestricted by WiFi or cellular service since it uses LoRa (Long Range) technology. This means that interference caused by those technologies will not prevent the transmission of essential information. This can be helpful for manufacturers when they are tracking or monitoring assets. Several Bluetooth Low Energy devices from DXSolution are capable of operating together in a production plant to enable proximity-based location identification. Location accuracy is provided by the nearest beacon to a tagged asset. Within 10 feet of a tagged asset outside a facility, users can enable tags offering precise location information.
Easily customizable
One of the most important benefits of Bluetooth Low Energy for manufacturers is that it is customizable. For example, with asset tracking, you can vary the precision by adding extra location beacons as needed. Not only that, but you can configure the device to save battery life by just providing location updates when necessary. This prevents unwanted updates from draining the asset tag battery. This is beneficial because it lowers the cost of batteries. After all, you won't have to change them as frequently.
Let’s Wrap up
DXSolution's ability to provide visibility, range and customisation extends beyond simply tracking assets indoors. We offer the same advantages to manufacturers by allowing them to track their assets both indoors and outdoors. This solution makes use of our advanced Tag to help track assets that leave facilities and travel on the road. Speak with us about how we can assist manufacturers with their indoor and outdoor tracking requirements.
Please connect with us, for a free consultation. You can follow our LinkedIn page and our hashtag - #dxsolutionadvisor, on LinkedIn.